Sunday, July 03, 2011

Sessions: "This is one of the most irresponsible congresses in our nation's history"

The Senate cancelled its July 4 recess to tackle the debt problem. "This is one of the most irresponsible congresses in our nation's history," says Jeff Sessions of Alabama, the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee.

Sessions was a guest on Fox News' America's News HQ this morning, where he made that statement.

And it's been 795 days since the upper chamber passed a budget. Oh, President Obama is taking a few days off--he's at Camp David.

Two hundred and thirty five years we declared our Independence from a European power. But what of our future?

"We are at a fundamental philosophic decision for America," Sessions warns. "Will we continue to be a government that is lean, productive, efficient, and limited or will we transition to a more European style of larger government that does more and more things and takes more and more money from the private sector?"

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