Friday, July 08, 2011

Obama Winter continues: Unemployment up again

Hello, President Obama. Your policies aren't working. Mitt Romney is right, "He didn't cause the recession as we know. He didn't make it better, he made things worse."

The Labor Department released its June unemployment figures. Employers hired the fewest number of workers in nine months. The jobless rate increased to 9.2 percent. It's the third consecutive month that the unemployment rate has gone up.

And it gets worse. The April and May jobless figures were adjusted downward by 44,000 jobs. Last month, when the unemployment rate was at 9.1 percent, Obama called it a "bump in the road."

Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman released a statement about today's bad news:

Rising unemployment rates and extremely anemic job creation are not acceptable. Even in great hardship, the American people have been extraordinarily patient in waiting for the better and brighter times promised to them by this administration. Their patience has rightly worn thin. We need free-market, pro-growth policies to spark a wave of job growth – the same policies we implemented in Utah to make it the fastest-growing state in the nation. America needs new leadership to turn our country around.
Tim Pawlenty also released a statement:

President Obama is out of answers and running out of time. His policies are not creating the necessary jobs and he has no plan to do anything about it. We will have continued anemic growth and disappointing job creation so long as Barack Obama is president. I will turn around the economy as president by setting bold growth goals and implementing specific proposals to achieve them.
At the president's Twitter townhall, Obama called House Speaker John Boehner's "Where are the jobs?" skewed. But Obama is screwing up the economy.

The inimitable Doug Ross gives a graphic presentation of the mess--and how we got there.

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