Sunday, July 17, 2011

New film "InJustice" sheds light on trial lawyer abuses

Brian Kelly is the executive producer of the new ReelzChannel movie, InJustice, which in the words of CNBC host Larry Kudlow, explores "the seamy side of class action lawsuits." Three of the main characters in the film are trial lawyers. All three are in prison, two for racketeering and fraud, one for attempting to bribe a judge.

The free enterprise system depends upon a system of law administered fairly.

I don't think most lawyers are crooks, but here's a story to grind your teeth on. A friend of the family went to law school to become a crusading Clarence Darrow-type attorney. She almost quit when she discovered that most of her classmates were eagerly awaiting the opportunity to swindle people once they passed the bar.

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