What kind of house of worship is Beth Emet? Abraham H. Miller of Pajamas Media did some checking last year.
Jan Schakowsky, the incumbent, is a sycophantic Obama Democrat and proud progressive. Her strangely shaped district is so Democratic that the only Republicans one is likely to encounter are tourists. She always wins big. [I think Miller is kidding. I live in the district, as does Anne Leary and Tom Mannis.]Does Beth Emet ever host Republican events?
Her positions on Israel are right out of the J Street playbook and Evanston's ultra-progressive Beth Emet Synagogue, which has become J Street's citadel on the North Shore. Schakowsky is a member. Schakowsky and much of the Beth Emet crowd can best be described as "anti-Zionist Zionists." The difference between the thinking at Beth Emet and that of the pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Movement is that the ISM knows its policies will result in Israel's destruction. The Beth Emet crowd engages in the delusion that they support Israel.
Beth Emet is so tied to the Democratic Party that it was the site of Evanston's Democratic Party annual meeting, complete with appearances by major Illinois Democratic candidates.
And if Beth Emet is really an "anti-Zionist Zionist temple," what does that say about the Democratic Party.
The fun in Evanston takes place on Sunday at 3:00pm. I wonder if they'll recognize me if I show up?
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