From the Senate Republican Communications Center:
Related post:‘Unnerved’
‘A growing number of Senate Democrats are anxious about the lack of a Democratic budget and the unusually slow legislative agenda’
‘Uncertainty In The Budget Process Has Caused The Most Angst Among Democratic Senators’POLITICO: “A growing number of Senate Democrats are anxious about the lack of a Democratic budget and the unusually slow legislative agenda…” (“Dems Grumble Over Reid Agenda,” Politico, 6/7/11)
SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D-CA): “On the budget front, I’m not a happy camper around here… I think we need to have a budget that we stand by.” (“Dems Grumble Over Reid Agenda,” Politico, 6/7/11)
SEN. UDALL (D-CO): “We do need to first and foremost deal with the '12 budget, the deficit ceiling increase and the Simpson-Bowles or a Simpson-Bowles-like proposal… My frustration is tied to the fact that let's get to work now on those policy debates, not wait until Aug. 1." (“Senate’s Slow Pace Frustrates Newer Members,” Roll Call, 5/31/11)· "‘Until we get the parameters in place for our long-term budgeting, we shouldn't be starting new programs or dealing with other things,’ he said.” (“Senate’s Slow Pace Frustrates Newer Members,” Roll Call, 5/31/11)
SEN. JOE LIBERMAN (ID-CT): “Of course I’m concerned about [the lack of a budget], because the law does set out a process, an orderly process, but the politics and the partisanship [have] made that existing statutory framework unworkable… The longer you wait to deal with the debt, the harder it is politically.” (“Dems Grumble Over Reid Agenda,” Politico, 6/7/11)
SEN. MARK PRYOR (D-AR): “Not having a budget, Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor said, ‘makes it harder to do things that we just need to do — there are people talking about an education bill, a highway bill — a lot of other things you just don’t know how much you have to spend.’” (“Dems Grumble Over Reid Agenda,” Politico, 6/7/11)
SEN. JACK REED (D-RI): “Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) said if there’s no budget blueprint to base spending levels on, ‘you get out of regular order and into a discussion between the leadership and the White House on what they want to do.’” (“Dems Grumble Over Reid Agenda,” Politico, 6/7/11)
SEN. BEN NELSON (D-NE): “The process back here always concerns me.” (“Dems Grumble Over Reid Agenda,” Politico, 6/7/11)
SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): “In the states, you can’t do this in the states — you’ve got to move.” (“Dems Grumble Over Reid Agenda,” Politico, 6/7/11)
SEN. KENT CONRAD (D-ND): “Members of the Budget Committee — they’d like to be on the front end of the process.” (“Dems Grumble Over Reid Agenda,” Politico, 6/7/11)
POLITICO: “…the uncertainty in the budget process has caused the most angst among Democratic senators.” (“Dems Grumble Over Reid Agenda,” Politico, 6/7/11)
Video: 762 days since Senate passed a budget--they continue to do nothing
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