Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Kinzinger works to save taxpayers $100 million in defense spending

At CPAC four months ago, Rep. Allen West (R-FL), told bloggers that he is can find waste in defense spending. "I know where the bodies are buried."

West is a House freshman, as is a Manteno, Illinois Republican who the Bloomington Pantagraph wrote about yesterday:

Adam Kinzinger was able to combine his insight as a military pilot with his relatively new role as a congressman to gain House approval of a proposal that would save taxpayers about $100 million over the next seven years.

Kinzinger, an Air National Guard pilot elected to Congress in November was discussing possible budget cuts with fellow pilots before being sworn in. But rather than just complain about the possible hits the defense appropriation might take, they also discussed places where money could be saved.

That's when the 'integrated aircrew ensemble' project came up. Nearly $100 million was being set aside over seven years to "research, develop and manufacture" a new flight suit.

Testifying in support of his amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to eliminate funding for the project, Kinzinger said, that during this time of difficult budgets, "we must make tough decisions with regard to military needs and military wants" and added "we must work together to ensure that money we don't have isn’t spent on government programs we don’t need."
General Norton Schwartz, the Air Force chief of staff, said that "under the current circumstances" the new flight suit wasn't necessary.

Kinzinger's proposal now heads to a conference committee to be reconciled with the Senate version of the bill.

Related post:

Allen West speaks to CPAC bloggers shortly before giving his keynote address

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