Yesterday public-sector union members held a rally in Marquette, Michigan where they voiced their opposition to some money saving measures backed by the state's new governor, Republican Rick Snyder. The Mining Journal says 1,000 attended, which is a huge crowd on the Upper Peninsula.
But something an AFSCME member said during at the rally is what caught my attention: "The government should take a lesson from the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln. 'A country without unions is a country bound for disaster.'"
I'm going to go on a limb and declare Lincoln never said anything like that. The labor movement as we know it didn't exist until the late 19th century--long after Lincoln's assassination. The public-sector union member has a right to be wrong, but the Mining Journal, the Upper Peninsula's largest daily paper, has a duty not to advance incorrect information.
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1 comment:
Only an AFSCME member would believe that when Lincoln said "Union" (as in Union vs Confederacy or the union of states)he was talking about labor unions.
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