Monday, April 04, 2011

Holder: No Gitmo North in Illinois; Durbin's "dream come true" is over

On the same day that US Attorney General Eric Holder announced that 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be tried in a military tribunal at the Guantanamo Bay detention center, in letters to Illinois' two senators, Holder said that no terrorists would be sent to the once-proposed "Gitmo North" prison in Thomson, Illinois.

When the Obama administration announced its intention to transfer roughly 200 jihadists from Cuba to the mostly-empty state prison in northwestern Illinois in late 2009, Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin called it "a dream come true."

The federal government is expected to buy the Thomson facility, but the members of Congress, even before the Republican takeover of the House, opposed using the prison as a Gitmo North.

Related post:

McConnell lauds the decision in favor of military tribunal for KSM

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