President Obama made clear today that he and his liberal allies in Washington will try to solve our spending issues by "raising revenues." In Washington, "raising revenues" means only one thing – they are going to raise taxes which would be harmful to any hope of a recovering economy. It was Ronald Reagan who said, "The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much." He was right then and he is right today. The best way to raise revenue is with a vibrant economy that has its people working and businesses prospering rather than imposing higher taxes. Our country needs more competitive tax, regulatory and energy policies to reinvigorate the entrepreneurial spirit of America.Related post:
Our country's deficit is set to hit a record setting $1.5 trillion this year – and that’s after two straight years of trillion dollar deficits. This has to end – small businesses and Virginia families can’t afford to continue footing the bill for unsustainable government growth. Unlike my opponent, I will not blindly support the President, especially when he calls for tax increases that will fuel Washington sending as it cripples the still struggling economy. Checks and balances are desperately needed in Washington to ensure we all have a voice – and that it is finally heard. Only then can we be sure that Washington starts listening and stops defending and advocating for the status quo that has our country on the verge of bankruptcy.
Report from Tampico, Illinois on Reagan's 100th birthday
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1 comment:
Make no mistake. Had it not been for Republican refusal to vote for a bill that also benefitted the wealthy, we would not have encountered any of these problems.
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