Then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about ObamaCare, March 1, 2010.
This afternoon the House of Representatives by a large majority voted to drop the controversial 1099 mandate in the ObamaCare bill. The Senate, in a larger bill, earlier voted to dump it as well.
Here's how it works--per ObamaCare, every time a business makes a transaction over $600, an IRS 1099 form has to be filled out. This onerous stipulation will strangle business with new paperwork.
Chief House Majority Whip Peter Roskam (R-IL) issued the following statement about the repeal.
Today, House Republicans removed a barrier to job creation by voting to repeal the job-destroying 1099 tax provision from Pelosicare. The 1099 provision would affect literally every small business in America, forcing businesses to spend more on compliance costs instead of investing in growth and hiring new workers. That is a sentiment I’ve heard time and again from business owners in my district, so I applaud the House for correcting the Democrats' clear mistake to fund part of their healthcare bill on the backs of American small businesses. The 1099 repeal was part of our 'Pledge to America,' and this is yet another example of Republicans making good on that pledge and taking decisive action to remove barriers to job creation.Technorati tags:
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