I predicted this result two days ago. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) has won the CPAC straw poll. Why? Ballot stuffing from college students who flew in from all over the country to do just that. I suspect former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who finished second, was the benefit of similar eagerness from his supporters. And I'm sure you've all heard of former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson. Wait, you haven't? His marijuana-friendly position sends elicits a buzz with younger voters. He finished third.
While the straw poll attracts media coverage of CPAC, its results are as reliable of a predictor as a car salesman's promise of repair-free automobile.
So this New York Times article which discusses the poor performance of candidates who actually have a chance to win--yes, Romney has a chance, I'm talking about the Paul and Johnson--is a completely worthless analysis of the straw poll. Was the reporter even at CPAC? How could he not notice the Paul mobs and the plethora of Johnson signs? Did he visit the straw poll desk and observe almost everyone voting was under 25?
Ron Paul, if he runs, will not and cannot be the 2012 Republican presidential nominee.
Speaking of straw, the first house of "The Three Little Pigs" to collapse was not made of bricks or sticks.
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1 comment:
Ballot stuffing was confirmed by a volunteer manning the straw poll voting area.
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