Friday, January 21, 2011

It's over for Olbermann

MSNBC Countdown host Keith Olbermann, the petulant pied-piper of the mean and nasty left, announced at the end of his show tonight that he was leaving the program. It's unclear whether quit or was fired.

Comcast received approval to purchase NBC Universal this week, but a network official said that Olbermann's adios had nothing to do with that.

For me, watching Olbermann was painful. I'm paraphrasing here, but a passage in Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People would always come to mind when I watched Countdown. Carnegie recalled a conversation with publisher who chose what to publish by a simple standard: If the author liked people, then well, people will like his books. Olbermann doesn't like people. Who watched Countdown? Unpleasant individuals like himself. Fortunately for the planet, there aren't that many others like him.

Good riddance, although I imagine he'll resurface somewhere else--and it will be too soon for me.

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1 comment:

Greybeard said...

Yeah, the question is, "Where will he end up", isn't it?
Back to Sports?
He'll consider that a demotion.
Like Stern, go to satellite radio?
His numbers there will be worse than his (pretty bad, but good for MSNBC) numbers were.

It will be interesting to see how his replacement fares.

Keith is unstable.
I think someone should put him on suicide watch.