Wednesday, January 12, 2011

BP and Obama's reaction to oil spill could mean jobs lost

BP is choosy on its payouts. Some businesses are hurting because of the Obama administration's go-very-slow approach to drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Which is devastating many small businesses, including one in Broussard, Louisiana owned by Tom Clements--who has this to say:

BP is hand selecting who they'll pay because of their missteps, which amazingly does not include losses from the spill induced government moratorium – even though the moratorium is a direct result of BP's carelessness. Now, companies like mine have no relief and very little hope.

The moratorium was announced and all my orders were immediately cancelled, I would call that direct impact. After being denied two times by the BP claims process, I fear I will likely have to shut the doors on my business in June. We either need help, or we need government policies that allow us to return to work.

Oh, did you know that BP gave record amounts of cash to the Obama campaign? In return it seems to have enjoyed lax treatment from administration officials.

Yesterday I wrote about the final report of the President's BP Oil Spill Commission, in the Washington Examiner, William O'Keefe calls it "a textbook example of cognitive dissonance."

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