If Balanoff's name sounds familiar, it's because two years ago he was the conduit in the negotiations between the Barack Obama and Rod Blagojevich camps to fill the Obama Senate seat.
SEIU represents many government workers. When public-sector unions get involved in elections, the taxpayers lose. It's government lobbying for even more government.
Is there good news? According to WBEZ-FM, Chicago's NPR affiliate, SEIU plans to spend $1 million in the aldermanic races, the first round of which take place in February. But in 2007 it spent twice that. SEIU claimed nine victories that year and it used its strength in a high-profile effort to keep Walmart from expanding in Chicago. Yet SEIU lost that battle.
SEIU plans to stay out of the mayoral contest unless there is a runoff election in April. Since there could be 15 candidates on the ballot, a runoff is verly likely.
Related post:
SEIU's Balanoff contradicts Obama's story on negotiations with Blago over Senate seat
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