Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Obama flip flops on offshore drilling expansion

This spring the Obama Administration proposed an aggressive expansion of offshore drilling. Now they've flipped flop-flopped. There will be no new offshore drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico for at least five years.

After the BP Deepwater Horizon spill, the administration put an offshore drilling moratorium in place that cost 20,000 jobs.

Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) spoke out recently about Obama's war on fossil fuels:

This administration has failed to use every opportunity they've been provided to reassure the (oil and gas) industry that they actually believe they have a future in this country.
Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has a chilly prediction:
This is an admission of further impotence, and not just in reforming a regulatory structure that Obama wants to expand across the entire economy. It's a gesture of impotence on Obama's part in defending any centrist moves to challenges from his hard-Left base, to which he's caving with this new seven-year moratorium. When gasoline starts hitting $4 a gallon again, Obama will have much more criticism to handle as a result of this policy reversal.
Meanwhile in New England, where many homes are warmed by heating oil, is experiencing a cold blast.

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