Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dream Act put to sleep, DADT is over

Harry Reid's pound of flesh to the Hispanic voters who helped him achieve victory in his tight reelection effort, the Dream Act, has been put to sleep in the US Senate. It failed to achieve the necessary 60 votes to move ahead.

The Dream Act is simply a back door amnesty plan for illegal immigrants.

Meanwhile, the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" era of the U.S. military is over. Gays will be able to serve openly in the military now that the US Senate--with six Republicans joining the Democratic majority--has voted to toss out restrictions on gays serving in the armed forces.

DADT's death gives something President Obama has been in desperate need of--a victory.

Had the ban remained in place, it's my hunch that the courts would have overturned DADT.

Correction: Eight GOPers voted to ban "Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

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