Because of America's toleration of homosexuality, its pastor, the Reverend Fred Phelps, believes that God wants to punish America.
Yes, these are the hyenas who protest at veterans' funerals holding signs that say "God Loves Dead Soldiers."
Ryan Newell, a decorated veteran and double amputee, is accused of stalking Phelps and his being held in a Wichita jail. He also is facing aggravated battery and weapons charges, as the Wichita Eagle reports:
The weapons charges accuse Newell of unlawfully carrying and concealing or possessing with "intent to use" an M4 rifle, .45-caliber Glock handgun and .38-caliber Smith and Wesson handgun. Besides the weapons, Newell also had more than 90 rounds of ammunition in his vehicle, sources said.I am grateful for his service to our nation. But what Newell is accused of is in no way acceptable.
As for Phelps, he may be a disbarred attorney, but I'm sure he knows the law inside and out, backwards and forwards.
Let God deal with this trash.
The Eagle has video of Newell's first court appearance.
Related post:
Repost: My Kansas Kronikles: Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church
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