He announced his run in a public school gymnasium on the Northwest Side. Strange, but Emanuel's kids attend private school in Washington. On Tuesday he made a campaign appearance at a West Side public school.
WIND-AM radio host William J. Kelly attempted to ask Rahm about his controversial stint on the board of troubled mortgage giant Freddie Mac during his campaign kick-off rally. He didn't reply. There were protesters calling for Emanuel's indictment as well at the Rahmba dance.
As for Kelly, he believes that keeping Emanuel out of the fifth floor of city hall will rest on challenging his residency status, which is why he raising money for his legal challenge on Rahmstoppers.com.
UPDATE 1:30pm CST: In a post entitled, Has Kass found the coffin nail?, Rich Miller takes a close look at Rahm's residency problem--and there appear to be reasons for Rahmbo to sweat.
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