Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Election Day in Illinois--it's morning in the Land of Lincoln

Election Day promises to be a glorious one in Illinois.

Let's look at the Illinois US Senate race: The Democrats  are defending the Roland Burris seat, and there are actually two races--one for the lame duck session--remember, Burris was appointed by Rod Blagojevich after Barack Obama resigned so he could make us all socialists. The other election is for a full six year term. As with the PPP poll I reported on yesterday morning, the most recent Fox News poll has Republican Mark Kirk with a four point lead over failed Mob Banker Alexi Giannoulias, 46-42 percent.

Meanwhile, pollster Scott Rasmussen is predicting a victory for the Highland Park congressman:

Illinois Republican Party chairman Pat Brady is in a boastful mood today. Not only has he revived a once moribund party, he leads the nation in phone calls to voters--4.4 million.

I've gotten a few of them.

GOPer Bill Brady (no relation) is favored to send Blago's old running mate, Governor Pat Quinn, packing. And the Republicans will pick up at least a net two seats in the House of Representatives.

It's morning in Illinois.

But get out and vote!

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