Friday, October 29, 2010

Will the media ask Obama about Democratic dirty tricks in Illinois tomorrow?

Tomorrow President Obama, the "Transparency President," comes to Illinois to campaign for failed Mob Banker and Democratic US Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias.

If he takes questions from the press, I hope someone asks him about the dirty tricks used by the the state Democratic Party. The first sleazoid is one of two mailers produced by a Giannoulias shell group, something called "Illinois Victory, a Project of the Lake County Democratic Party." The flyer pictured was mailed to my home. McHenry County Blog has more on the Mob Banker's "affinity" for the Libertarian Party.

And the Weekly Standard nicely summarizes the sleaze from Illinois Dems:

Wall Street Journal reported the Democratic National Kirk's record and promote the Libertarian candidate Mike Labno.

Then it was a Democrat county clerk in the Metro East region of the state who thumbed his nose at the Department of Justice and delayed sending absentee ballots to the military.  "I really don't care what the Department of Justice thinks," the clerk said.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Giannoulias admitted that his campaign sent direct mail pieces to Republican households trying to promote Labno as a conservative “alternative” to Kirk. When asked if he thought the mailer was deceptive, Giannoulias said: "No."
Haven't we've had enough of Blago-type deception in Illinois?

Time for real hope and change.

Related post:

ILSen: Mob Banker admits his campaign was behind Libertarian flyer

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