Wednesday, October 06, 2010

OHSen: Portman leads Fisher by 19 points--DSCC throwing in the towel?

The expression goes like this...As goes Ohio, so goes the nation...

The Great Correction is right on schedule.

In the latest Quinnipiac University poll Republican Rob Portman leads Democrat Lee Fisher by 19 percentage points. Is it over? From the Cleveland Plain Dealer:

This would seem like an awfully loud call for the cavalry, namely, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and its advertising budget. The DSCC tells us repeatedly and on the record that it hasn't written off the race and supports Fisher, and its absence from the Ohio airwaves doesn't mean it won't be on the air eventually.

No one believes it. For Fisher supporters, eventually was, like, yesterday.
Buh-bye.Technorati tags:

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