The victory could be a Pyrrhic one for Democrats. America is a center-right nation, and rank-and-file conservatives place a great importance of playing by the rules. Yes, I'm well well aware of the moral failings of lobbyist Jack Abramoff and Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN), but for the most part, the "ends always justify the means" crowd is dominated by liberals. If you need evidence, consider as evidence the lies used to pass ObamaCare and the Journolist LISTSERV revelations. But the majority of Americans value uprightness and fairness. After all, Arizona is targeting illegal immigrants, not legal immigrants.
Why should line-cutters be ignored? Or rewarded?
Thoughts like these will be dancing in the heads of voters in November.
Related posts:
McConnell statement on Obama's Arizona lawsuit
Obama administration: Picking and choosing the laws it enforces
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