When Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States, he promised to usher in a new era of unparalleled transparency and open government in Washington. Rather than putting a stop to "business-as-usual," this White House has proved more than willing to employ disreputable, backroom, Chicago-style politics in order to further their own political goals. Whether it's senior Administration officials being named in the attempted sale of President Obama's former Senate seat, the offering of administration jobs and positions to impact federal elections, or the deliberate obfuscation by the White House on all of the above, President Obama has not only fallen remarkably short of the high standards he has set for himself and his administration, but most egregiously, he has broken his word to the American people about bringing real change to Washington.
Now the video. It's not TV, it's reality:
Find out more about Obama's Chicago Network here. Hey, at least the skyline is pretty.
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