Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Gibbs: Intel job not offered to Sestak, but he won't say what was

Courtesy of the Daily Caller, here's the latest on the Joe Sestak job offer scandal:

House press secretary Robert Gibbs indicated Tuesday that Rep. Joe Sestak was not offered a spot on the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board but refused to say what was dangled in front of the Democrat in an attempt to remove him from a Senate primary.

The spot offered to Sestak, Gibbs said to reporters at the White House, "didn't constitute a lot of what you’re hearing."

But Gibbs refused to clarify what Sestak, who won the May 18 primary and is now the Democratic nominee for Senate, was offered.

Sestak indicated Friday he was offered a spot on the PIAB by former President Bill Clinton, who was acting on behalf of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.
When pressed by more details, Gibbs responded with this beauty of a reply, "I'd have to ask counsel for a better answer."

What happened to transparency?

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