The topic is the budget and the economy, and if you think there are problems in this area (and who doesn't?), then consider attending. It's a good way to be heard, especially since attending public protests is not the first choice for everybody when addressing issues. AmericaSpeaks is looking not only for participants, but also facilitators and online ambassadors in each city. Webcasts and videos will connect each meeing site.
During the conference call I asked Goldman if the project is non-partisan, he assures me it is. The local partners for the national budget town hall include the Chicago Urban League, the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce, and the Chicago Young Republicans.
Since it's my wedding anniversary, I won't be able to attend, but I encourage you to do so. After all, do you want one side to dominate the debate?
Click here to sign up. of all, not only is the town hall free, lunch and snacks will be provided!
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