Saturday, May 01, 2010

Stray Cats: Rumble in Brighton

Today's Saturday music selection, "Rumble in Brighton," is dedicated to Great Britain's parliamentary elections.

Here's why: There are three members of the Stray Cats, who perform this song, and there are three men ostensibly running for prime minister of Britain.

Stray Cats, although American, found their initial success in the UK. And Britain's elections have become Americanized--thanks to Brits tuning in to cable news and logging on to the internet, as well as misguided politicos believing they can create the next Barack Obama.

Inspired by a newspaper article about neo-mods (fans of what we call British Invasion music, R&B, and ska) fighting neo-rockers (the American equivalent of greasers), the Cats' Brian Setzer and Slim Jim Phantom composed a compelling tune, which describes a rumble between the two factions on the stony beaches of the British seaside resort.

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