Monday, May 10, 2010

Democratic Party of Evanston responds to my OFA post

Toni Gilpin, the executive director of the Democratic Party of Evanston, responded to my visit to an Organizing for America training session in a mass e-mail sent this morning.

Thank you, a link to Marathon Pundit is always welcome.

But one visitor to our last session -- "Morton Grove's preeminent conservative blogger" -- apparently wasn't there for the camaraderie. Wearing "a subtle disguise" (because otherwise we would have barred him at the door, presumably, or pestered him for autographs -- I'm not sure which misapprehension he was operating under) he waded into "the belly of the beast": Evanston. Read his report here. It's genuinely gratifying that he was impressed by the meeting's turnout and by our record of volunteer activism. He also acknowledged something else we can all take pride in: Evanston is a "tea-party free zone."

But Mr. Preeminent Conservative Blogger is thinking of coming back, and urging his readers to come too ("hint...hint...there's another Evanston training next Wednesday"). Let's demonstrate that the people dedicated to Advancing Change -- here in this community and throughout this country -- far outnumber those bent on sowing discord and retarding progress.
Related post:

A "teabagger" attends an Organizing for America training session

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