While President Obama dithers--the centerpiece of our foreign policy should be regime replacement in Iran--the mad mullahs in Tehran are sending Quds troops, their version of the Waffen SS, to another enemy state, Venezuela, as Doug Ross reports.
And the terror-state might have an ICBM missile capable of reaching the United States in 2015.
everyone forgets how the shia revolution came about in iran. the CIA did not like the ruler of iran back in the 1950's so they overthrew the leader and installed the shah of iran. the shah of iran killed and tortured thousands of iranians. ayatolla khomeni revisited iran and during a popular shia revolt the shah of iran was gotten rid of and a shia state came into being. it seems like the cia tricks came back to bite the yanks in the ass :)
Partly correct. The shah was a thug but he was at least trying to bring Iran into the modern world. (Banning polygamy, child brides...) What replaced him was far worse. Jimmy Carter through the shah under the bus.
everyone forgets how the shia revolution came about in iran. the CIA did not like the ruler of iran back in the 1950's so they overthrew the leader and installed the shah of iran. the shah of iran killed and tortured thousands of iranians. ayatolla khomeni revisited iran and during a popular shia revolt the shah of iran was gotten rid of and a shia state came into being. it seems like the cia tricks came back to bite the yanks in the ass :)
Partly correct. The shah was a thug but he was at least trying to bring Iran into the modern world. (Banning polygamy, child brides...) What replaced him was far worse. Jimmy Carter through the shah under the bus.
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