Sunday, March 21, 2010

UPDATED: They don't have the votes: No Stupak deal yet

What Stupak maybe giveth, perhaps Stupak taketh. Because of two recent defections, the Democrats appear to be two votes short of passing ObamaCare.

That puts the ball back into Bart Stupak's court. The Democrat from Michigan's Upper Peninsula has not struck a deal on his party's health care reform plan, according to his office. Earlier reports to the contrary were apparently wrong. If Speaker Nancy Pelosi gives into the Stupak bloc on abortion, the Dems risk losing pro-choice votes--in essence, ObamaCare can't pass.

If House Democrats can't pass their health bill today--their appointed day--after President Obama twice postponed a major international trip--will they every succeed?

UPDATE 3:00pm: Now there is a Stupak deal, The Hill is reporting, which will add eight or nine "Yes" votes. But will that deal cost some other "Yes" votes?

Related post:

List of undecided ObamaCare legislators

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