Accompanying the unseasonably warm weather was quite a bit of unexpected encouragement from passerbys--Evanston is a liberal hotbed--so conservatives shouldn't write off the town in future elections.
As far as I can gather the protest was organized just this morning--Anne Leary of Backyard Conservative e-mailed my at 10:00am; fortunately Andrew Marcus of Founding Bloggers was able to drop everything he was doing and trek from downtown Chicago to Evanston. Marcus brought his video camera and promises his report will be online soon. Leary's post is done, I'm in one of the pics--that's me wearing a peach-colored shirt and a black baseball cap.
Not everyone was enthralled with our message. The woman on the left in the photograph on the left somehow thought the unhappy history of 400 years of slavery had something to do with a government takeover of one-sixth of our economy. Oh yeah, she got in a bit of George W. Bush bashing as well. Yes, she's an ObamaCare supporter.
Oh, I almost forgot. The gentleman holding the "Don't Tread on Me" flag on the upper left is not only a World War II veteran, but he was based in Tinian, where the Enola Gay left for its fateful mission to Hiroshima. He knew some of the crew--but of course he didn't know what they were training for 65 years ago.
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1 comment:
We are dealing with a Socialist Progressive Marxist Fascist DemocRAT Party today. All of these Lefist Traitors to our Constitution have to be REMOVED FROM OFFICE one way or another.
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