Rick Swartz buys his family health plan through work. He's the fleet manager at DH Griffin, America's second-leading demolition company. His health premiums have almost doubled in five years, to more than $9,500 a year.
With this health reform Swartz and his wife Teresa expect their premiums to keep jumping.
"Somebody will have to pay for it - for the uninsured to be insured," Teresa said. "I just don't want it to be the middle class."
David Griffin knows he'll pay more. His family built DH Griffin. But his higher income faces higher taxes.
ObamaCare strikes at the heart of our way of life.
"We've been successful and we don't feel like we should be penalized the more successful we are," Griffin said. "It's not the American way."
The Democrats capitalized on the news of some insurers raising their health premiums--to sell ObamaCare. Shameful.
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