He vows that Democrats will come to rue their efforts on the issue this fall.Technorati tags:
"I can tell you with regard to the campaign that will continue with the American people, I think the slogan will be, 'Repeal and replace. Repeal and replace,' " McConnell said last week. "No one that I know in the Republican conference in the Senate believes that no action is appropriate. We all think there are things that should be done."
What followed as the Senate considered the final piece of landmark health care legislation was a GOP-led "vote-a-rama," a series of nonstop votes that lasted until 2:45 a.m. Thursday. Republicans tried to insert changes, forcing votes on 40 amendments or procedural points, including a ban on using federal funds to provide erectile dysfunction drugs to incarcerated sex offenders.
Democrats rejected each on party-line votes Wednesday and Thursday. Later Thursday, the Senate passed the final piece of legislation that's intended to change dramatically how most Americans buy, use and maintain health insurance coverage.
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