Friday, March 12, 2010

Dems prepared to "Slaughter" common sense: House might approve Obamacare without voting on it

House Democrats, the Daily Caller reports, are prepared to vote to approve the Senate ObamaCare bill without voting on it, by utilizing something dreamed up by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY), the chair of the House Rules Committee.

Democrats will vote on a separate bill that includes language stating that the original Senate bill is "deemed passed."

So by voting for the first bill — a reconciliation measure to fix certain things in the Senate bill — that will automatically pass the second bill — the original Senate bill — without a separate roll call taking place.

It's called the "Slaughter Solution" (prepare for a weekend of endless TV gabbing about it).

And after debating House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer on the chamber floor, Minority Whip Eric Cantor emerged convinced that Democrats are going to use the tactic, and that they won't allow Republicans, and the public, to see the text of any legislation for 72 hours before a vote.
Doug Ross explores this issue in much more detail.

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