Monday, March 22, 2010

ACORN shutting down

The day after American conservatives were dealt a stinging, albeit hopefully temporary defeat on ObamaCare, one of liberaldom's vile tentacles, ACORN, was severed and killed.

Multiple accusations of voter registration fraud topped off with getting caught trying to assist two undercover conservative reporters posing as a pimp and a prostitute finally brought enough shame to force the group to shut its doors--which it will do on April 1. But that was the symptom--the cause was the funding spigot was shut off.

But like a cockroach infested building--the best an exterminator can hope for is to kill off almost all of the pests--ACORN can't be completely destroyed. A few strays have already metastasized into new groups.

Still, it's a big win.

President Obama's first job out of law school was as a trainer for Project Vote, an ACORN group. SEIU's ties to ACORN are deep, for instance, Chicago's SEIU Local 880 was essentially an ACORN outlet.

ACORN contributed mightily to the recession Obama is kinda/sorta trying to end. (What happened to that laser-focus on jobs?) For years ACORN strongarmed banks into lowering lending standards so people could buy a home--even if they couldn't afford the mortgage payments.

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1 comment:

pathickey said...


While this is nice and all SEIU's Andy Stern is teh pivot man on Obama's Deficit Panel which will turn America into Greece around Christmas Time.

That louse is everywhere.