Take a holiday from the neighborhood
Hop a flight to Miami Beach Or to Hollywood
But I'm talking a Greyhound On the Hudson River Line
I'm in a New York state of mind
Billy Joel, "New York State of Mind,"
A couple New York Democrats are in trouble. Governor David Paterson is embroiled in a scandal involving a longtime aide who allegedly assaulted his girlfriend. He catches on quicker than our next New Yorker; Paterson will announce this morning that he is ending his plans to run for a full term. Paterson succeeded Eliot Spitzer, who resigned because of a sex scandal.
Meanwhile, Rep. Charlie Rangel was reprimanded yesterday by a House ethics panel for accepting corporate gifts of trips to the Caribbean.
Rangel, who is chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, has also been accused of misuse of rent-controlled New York City apartments.
His continued chairmanship of that committee is another reason voters should distrust the Democratic Party.
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