More from a Friedman campaign press release:
Highland Park - TopTierMD has named Arie Friedman one of Chicago's top doctors. "We asked scores of doctors the simple, but powerful question: 'If you needed one doctor for yourself or a loved one, who would you see?'", explained Keith Pascal and Dr. David Preskill, the founders of the company. In a statement, Arie said that he was gratified by this professional recognition, "I plan on using the skills I have honed as a physician and small business owner to effectively represent the voters of the 10th District."
According to their website, "TopTierMD is a valuable source of research and unique medical news featuring the very best doctors as determined by their peers. We cater to consumers seeking access to top medical treatment and advice. TopTierMD is not an advertising directory and physicians CAN NOT buy their way into our exclusive listing. This is what makes our work so valuable and credible." Pick up a copy of North Shore magazine's January issue and check out the list of TopTierMDs.
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