Sunday, January 31, 2010

Obama: A weak president

The entire E. Thomas McClanahan Kansas City Star column is worth reading, here is just a bit:

When Obama assumed office, he was still something of an enigma. Many asked: Who is this guy?

Well, now we know a lot more. The bottom line: He isn't a good politician. Politics is an art, and Obama's basic competence is highly suspect. He lacks the personal radar an effective politician must have — the instinct to know when you're on solid ground and when you’re tilting at windmills. Obama has spent a year tilting at windmills.

The "art of the possible" isn't static. With steady accomplishments, an effective leader can expand the zone of the possible. A winner draws new adherents, builds coalitions, acquires new strength for the next challenge.

For a weak leader, the opposite applies: His credibility shrinks, and so do the ranks of his followers. His ability to accomplish anything becomes doubtful.

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