Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Farmers fighting cap and trade

Thomas Jefferson envisioned our democracy as a nation of farmers. It didn't turn out that way, but our third president was cognizant that farmers are blessed with a lot of horse-sense.

From Agriculture Online:

American Farm Bureau President Bob Stallman got a standing ovation Sunday at the group's annual meeting in Seattle after promising a stronger fight against activists critical of modern commercial agriculture and cap and trade bills in Congress. The group argues that climate legislation would push millions of acres in the U.S. into forests and leave the remaining farms facing high fuel and fertilizer costs.

Farm Bureau members reflect a defensive mood among farmers who are tired of an onslaught of books, movies and news reports critical of agricultural production methods and its affect on the environment and livestock.

Stallman said some of those groups want to abandon an efficient food production system, "taking us back to 40 acres and a mule."

"The days of their elitist power grab are over," he said.

A pitchfork has multiple uses.

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