Friday, December 11, 2009

William J. Kelly to lead Pat Quinn protest on Monday

Even though it was known that Rod Blagojevich was under federal investigation even in 2006, what did his running mate and successor as governor, Patrick Quinn, say about the hair-brained one? Well, Quinn said of Blago that he has "always been a person who's honest and one of integrity."

Even though he claims to be a reformer, Quinn refuses to apologize for that commendation.

On the anniversary of Blagojevich's arrest, Quinn signed an anemic campaign finance reform bill that allows party legislative leaders to maintain their ability to contribute unlimited amounts of cash in general elections.

And it gives the Democrats a leg up on the GOP--as if they need it. Here's why: The speaker of the Illinois House and the chairman of the state Democratic Party is the same man, Michael Madigan.

Illinois Republican candidate for comptroller, William J. Kelly, says he is demanding real reform, and he plans to lead a protest against Quinn, who wants to raise the state income tax, when he speaks at a City Club luncheon on Monday.

Here's what you need to know:

The protest begins at 11:30am and will take place outside Maggiano's at 111 W. Grand in Chicago.

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1 comment:

CNB said...

Will RINOs Jim Dodge and Judy Topinka be there? (Doubtful!)