Thursday, December 17, 2009

SEIU mischief: Massachusetts

The lates SEIU trouble comes from Massachusetts. From WBUR-FM Boston:

State Sen. Scott Brown is asking his Democratic rival for Massachusetts' open U.S. Senate seat to impose sanctions on one of her political allies.

Browns's campaign has written a letter to Attorney General Martha Coakley, and to the state ethics commission, asking that they investigate the Service Employees International Union Local 509.

According to the letter, SEIU sent an e-mail to state employees asking them to volunteer for Coakley. The Brown campaign says that violates state ethics law against using government computer servers for political purposes.

WBUR asked the Coakley campaign if we could talk to the candidate. A spokeswoman for the campaign referred us to the attorney general’s office. A spokeswoman for the attorney general’s office says she’s looking into the matter.

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