SEN. MAX BAUCUS (D-MT): “We're clearly not going to do anything to cut home health care.” (Sen. Baucus, Floor Remarks, 12/5/09)
“Under the legislation, home care would absorb a disproportionate share of the cuts. It currently accounts for 3.7 percent of the medicare budget, but would absorb 10.2 percent of the savings squeezed from Medicare by the House bill and 9.4 percent of savings in the Senate bill, the Congressional Budget Office Says.” (“Home Care Patients Worry Over Possible Cuts,” The New York Times, 12/5/09
“The House bill would slice $55 billion over 10 years from projected Medicare spending on Home Health Services, while the Senate bill would take $43 Billion.” (“Home Care Patients Worry Over Possible Cuts,” The New York Times, 12/5/09)
“The proposed cuts appear to be at odds with other provisions of the giant health care bills. A major goal of those bills is to reduce the readmission of Medicare patients to hospitals. Medicare patients say that is exactly what home care does.” (“Home Care Patients Worry Over Possible Cuts,” The New York Times, 12/5/09)
“The prospect of such cuts has alarmed patients and home care workers. ‘We would have to consider shrinking the area we serve or discontinuing some services,’ said Lisa Harvey-McPherson, who supervises the Aroostook agency as president of Eastern Maine Home Care.” (“Home Care Patients Worry Over Possible Cuts,” The New York Times, 12/5/09)
EASTERN MAINE HOME CARE PRESIDENT: “It’s our patients who will pay the price if Congress makes the cuts in home care.” “The prospect of such cuts has alarmed patients and home care workers. ‘We would have to consider shrinking the area we serve or discontinuing some services,’ said Lisa Harvey-McPherson, who supervises the Aroostook agency as president of Eastern Maine Home Care. ‘Our staff are scared,’ Ms. Harvey-McPherson said, ‘but it’s our patients who will pay the price if Congress makes the cuts in home care.’” (“Home Care Patients Worry Over Possible Cuts,” The New York Times, 12/5/09)
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