Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Toppled Obama stimulus "campaign sign" in Des Plaines

I'm hoping this toppled Obama stimulus "campaign sign" on the corner of Oakton and River Road in Des Plaines portends a successful Election Day for the Republican Party.

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Greybeard said...

With the results mostly in, your portent appears to be mostly working, John.
Are you suggesting mass-vandalism on election night 2010? ;>)

(And Rob_n, where are you?!!)

Marathon Pundit said...

Oh, GB..this is a law abiding blog!

It's my guess a truck knocked this one down, but another sign, also in Des Plaines, was flattened by a nasty storm.

God's work, to be sure.

Rob N, a big lib for the uninitiated, is probably commiserating with the pillpoppers at Democrats Underground.

Marathon Pundit said...

As for Rob, his blog, Illinois (Lack of) Reason hasn't been updated since September.

Change we can believe in.