Thursday, November 05, 2009

Cap and tax passed by Senate Dems in committee vote

A cap and trade bill, which should be called "cap and tax," was approved by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee this morning. Republicans boycotted the vote--all of the Democrats on the committee voted for the national energy tax, except for Tom Carper (D-DE)--a cap and trade supporter who was not in attendance--and Max Baucus (D-MT).

If this legislation becomes law, you will pay a tax every time you use electricity.

Providing unintended dark humor, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), said, "We're hearing the call to get moving on this."

From whom? Liberals who fear there will far fewer Dems in the next Congress?

If the energy tax becomes law, it will cost the average American family an extra $1,761 per year. Where does that figure come from? The Obama administration.

Cap and tax is not change I can believe in.

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