Like Laurence Olivier and Kenneth Branagh, he's got the diction part right, and he doesn't even have to worry about remembering his lines--Obama has a teleprompter.
All the world may be a stage to Obama, but running things, is well, the thing if you are president.
As CBS News reports, the Hamlet is letting events play him.
President Barack Obama says he will make his decision on new U.S. troops for Afghanistan in "the coming weeks."
Mr. Obama told reporters Tuesday that decisions on the military front are important but are just one aspect of the improvements needed to the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan. He said an important element is building up civilian capacity, to help improve Afghanistan's governance, agriculture, rule of law and other areas.
The president took questions after meeting at the White House with Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.
Mr. Obama has met twice with his war council to discuss new tactics in Afghanistan. One of those meeting came after he received Afghanistan commanding Gen. Stanley McChrystal's formal request for a troop increase.
Obama and the Dems rushed through the stimulus bill and cap and trade.
No rush on Afghanistan?
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Hurry up Obama. Send more troops to Afghanistan
I know, our man Bush started the war there...put the Taliban on the run...cornered the lot of them in Tora Bora...and then
Abandoned everything to the local army and headed off to Iraq, ...ostensibly to find those weapons of mass destruction.
When no weapons were found he decided we needed to continue fighting to bring freedom and democracy to Iraq.
Never mind that the Taliban in Afghanistan were regaining their foothold.
Never mind that Osama was hiding out somewhere along the border there.
Never mind that military commanders in Afghanistan were calling for more no avail.
Now Republicans, who ignored Afghanistan for 7 years, are acting all hot and bothered ..."We have to send in the troops now...before it's too late."
NOW? TOO LATE?? Where in the heck have you guys been for the past 7years?
Hello!!! You were suppose to send in those troops 7 years ago when you had the Taliban on the ropes.
What kind of strategy is it that says "We'll beat the Taliban with the help of the Northern Alliance..then pull out and give the Tailban 7 years to regroup, retrain, rearm and retake lost territory..THEN we'll send in the troops back in!!
Hey Republicans, if this is how you run a war....good thing you aren't running our economy.
Oh, that's right. You drove that to the brink of disaster too.
Libs: Afghanistan--good war, Iraq--bad war.
You are in charge now. Lead.
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