From the map room of the Los Angeles Times:
Key Democrats on Capitol Hill warned Thursday that a decision by President Obama to send more troops to Afghanistan could trigger an uprising within the party, possibly including an attempt to cut off funds for the buildup.
"I believe we need to more narrowly focus our efforts and have a much more achievable and targeted policy in that region," said Rep. David R. Obey (D-Wis.), chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. Otherwise, he said, "we run the risk of repeating the mistakes we made in Vietnam and the Russians made in Afghanistan."
Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.), an influential voice on military affairs who is also on the committee, predicted a fight on the House floor if a request to fund a troop increase came to a vote.
"The public is worn out by war," Murtha said. "The troops, no matter what the military says, are exhausted."
That's why we need more troops, you goof. By the way, in a bad year for Republicans, Murtha came close to being toppled last fall. I believe his Johnstown-area constituents are worn out with him.
But I've gotten off topic...
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