Kirk and Paul Ryan can try as hard as they like, but Pelosi will have nothing to do with anything other than what she wants.
He needs a TV ad with pictures of the lines for H1N1 vaccinations, reminding people the government is running that program, and asking if it's what they want for the rest of their health care.
He must be right. He voted for TARP to bail out the bank executives and against the Stimulus which seems to be successful. He voted for the Iraq War disaster and voted against the surge, which seems to be successful.
Kirk and Paul Ryan can try as hard as they like, but Pelosi will have nothing to do with anything other than what she wants.
He needs a TV ad with pictures of the lines for H1N1 vaccinations, reminding people the government is running that program, and asking if it's what they want for the rest of their health care.
He must be right. He voted for TARP to bail out the bank executives and against the Stimulus which seems to be successful. He voted for the Iraq War disaster and voted against the surge, which seems to be successful.
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