Here's what the Denver Post says:
A Colorado sheriff says it was hoax when parents reported that their 6-year-old son was in a flying saucer-like helium balloon hurtling away from their home.
Sheriff Jim Alderden says Richard and Mayumi Heene "put on a very good show for us, and we bought it." The sheriff says no charges have been filed yet, and the parents aren't under arrest. He says he expects to recommend charges of conspiracy, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, making a false report to authorities and attempting to influence a public servant.
Some of the most serious charges each carry a maximum sentence of six years in prison and a $500,000 fine.
The sheriff says that the Heene children knew about the hoax, but won't be charged. The oldest child in the balloon boy family is 10.
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Another example of media whores.. i felt bad for the farmers whose bi-annual wheat crop was destroyed by rescue police and EMS vehicles. Do people really want to be on TV or get attention that badly??
Crazy, potentially dangerous stunt.
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