This is a big slap not only against Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, who expended a great deal of political capital on this effort, but also President Obama, who broke American precedent by making a personal appeal to the IOC voters earlier today.
Remember, prior to Obama's election, anti-Americanism was believed to be too strong for Chicago to win. But Obama was supposed to transcend that.
Despite the defeat and Chicago's culture of corruption, it's still a great city.
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The citizens of Illinois have the International Olympic Committee to thank for saving them from a half-billion-dollar hosing.
If a city's bid is so horribly deficient that even an Oprah-Obama assault can't save it, that's really, really bad.
Listen to WBBM-AM Newsradio's anchors agonize over the catastrophe: the One didn't spend ENOUGH time lobbying... the city's bid was #4, and that's the Chinese number for "death", which doomed the bid...
I'm not making this up; these were the actual statements of the city's most-listened-to station's anchor/"news"people.
Sobbing Chicagoans in Daley Plaza... oh, the humanity!
Meanwhile, 11 million Illinoisans are doing a giant happy dance.
Chi-Town is STILL a great city!
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