Perhaps someone should start a WakeUpUFCW site.
Ernie Duran Jr. is the former president of Local 7 of the UFCW, and was recently defeated when he sought reelection. He's challenging the results, but vows to step aside if there is not a resolution by January 1.
As for that election, my guess is that it was a secret ballot one. Under its present form, the Employee Free Choice Act will eliminate secret ballot elections for workers confronted with the choice of whether to join a union.
The Denver Post has more:
Duran's re-election bid was marred by allegations of nepotism and misuse of union funds under his watch. Members this week elected rank-and-file challenger Kim Cordova as their new president and approved her entire slate of officers and board members.
"I've always said it's a democracy," said Duran, the longest standing president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7 union, which represents 23,000 members, including 17,000 grocery-store workers.
Duran vowed not to use union dues to fund a fight to effectively overturn the wishes of his own membership and seek a new election.
"Anything that's related to the challenge will be personal money," Duran said.
But the post reports that Duran's promise contradicts a statement by a union attorney, Crisanta Duran; she says that defamatory claims were made against the "organization as a whole."
Crisanta is Ernie Duran's daughter.
You can't make this stuff up.
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