Adolf Hitler? Wrong.
Josef Stalin? Wrong again.
Mao Tse Tung? Right. At least 70,000,000 killed.
Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-IL) recently congratulated the Chinese Communist regime on its 60th anniversary.
From The Hill:
"I wish all of the Chinese community, not only in Chicago, but in China and all over the world a happy 60th anniversary," Davis told Xinhua news agency.
It has been 60 years since the Chinese Civil War ended, and the nation officially became the People's Republic of China. Davis's district includes Chicago's Chinatown and a large number of Chinese-American constituents.
Davis acknowledged the rising standard of living in the country, which he's visited numerous times.
"The last two times I have been in China, one could tell that the quality of life and the quality of living is moving upward in China--as well as it is moving in other developing nations--but I don't think they are anywhere near being at the rate or in as massive a way as China," said the Illinois Democrat.
Imprisoned dissidents were not available for comment.
In 2007, Davis traveled to Sri Lanka, a trip funded in part by the Tamil Tigers terrorist group. The West Side Chicago pol said he didn't know about the financial arrangements.
Davis possesses a super-safe seat, and voting him out is almost impossible, unless a fellow Democrat topples him in a primary. Last year, Illinois voters voted down a proposal to convene a constitutional convention. Had it passed, I would have been at the forefront of the call for having all legislative districts drawn by computers.
Amending the current constitution would achieve the same goal.
Hat tip to Gateway Pundit.
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